What is Kratom Powder

What Is Kratom Powder? Manufacturing Process, Strains, and More

If you’re looking to buy kratom for the first time, or if you’re wondering “what is kratom tea?”, a good place to start is learning about the most popular form of kratom for sale in the US, powdered kratom. Knowing what to expect from kratom powder can help you figure out if that’s the best kratom product for you, or if you’d rather buy kratom capsules or kratom extracts. Common questions regarding kratom powder are, Read more…


Kratom News Sites

When it comes to the news and updates about kratom – be it regarding the opening of new kratom brands or about the updates on the kratom ban in the US – the passionate kratom enthusiasts want to keep themselves abreast with all the latest developments. For this, they take help from different sources such as Kratom news sites, papers, and even from magazines. Being one of the easiest and most-updated sources, the kratom news websites are Read more…


5 Facts About the Kratom Leaf (2021)

The kratom leaf, or Mitragyna speciosa, is a relatively new herbal supplement in the United States. Although kratom research is still lacking, recent studies have provided a better understanding of the kratom leaf and its components. Some research has challenged kratom myths and misinformation, which has re-shaped perspectives on the herb. How much do you know about Mitragyna speciosa leaves and kratom leaf tea? Here are 10 interesting facts about kratom leaves you might not know. Read more…

Authentic Kratom

Authentic Kratom – How to Buy It?

In recent years, Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) has become quite popular among the general public. However, obtaining authentic kratom is still difficult because of the sheer number of unreliable sellers out there. To combat this, stores like ‘Buy Kratom Bulk USA’ are providing genuine kratom strains imported from all over the globe.   What is Kratom? Kratom is an evergreen tree that belongs to the coffee family. It is indigenous to Southeast Asia, commonly found in countries including Indonesia, Papua Read more…

Kratom Tree

All About the Kratom Tree and the History of Kratom

If you’re looking to learn about kratom trees, you’ve come to the right place. Although kratom trees may seem like any other ordinary tree, they have an interesting story. Originating from the tropical regions of South Asia, this tree belongs to the same family as the coffee tree. These trees can vary slightly in appearance in different locations, but since they’ve been farmed for thousands of years in Southeast Asia, most Mitragyna speciosa trees are Read more…

Best kratom strain

Best Kratom Strain- A Detailed Analysis

While Kratom had only made it to the headlines recently and people are looking to buy the best kratom strain of all, its rich history goes back to several hundred years. Despite being around for centuries, the Kratom plant was not properly documented until 1859 by Pieter Willem Korthals. However, it remained much of a mystery for at least another century and a half. Today, an increasing number of people are learning more about Kratom Read more…

Bali Kratom

Bali Kratom – All You Need To Know

If you are a kratom fan then you probably have one or two favorite kratom strains of your own. It is all those different kratom strains that make kratom all the more diversified. As most kratom enthusiasts already know, kratom originates from Southeast Asia. The Mitragyna Speciosa trees – found commonly throughout the thousands of islands – are well known for their leaves that are manufactured into kratom. These trees vary ever-so-slightly in their DNA structure from one island to Read more…

Kratom Storage

Where and How to Store Your Kratom Correctly?

So, you’ve been looking for Kratom for sale online and have finally decided to make a purchase. Now that you have your Kratom, your day-to-day life is going to feel a little different- better even. But do you know how to store Kratom so that it can serve you properly? Storing Kratom properly is important as it helps to keep your products more powerful for longer, which is exactly what you want. If it is not stored Read more…

can you kratom at GNC

Can You Buy Kratom at GNC?

Due to kratom’s rising popularity in the US, you can now find many different places that sell kratom locally. There are numerous vape shops and gas stations that sell kratom, and there are many herbal and vitamin stores that sell kratom. Since you can buy kratom from vitamin and herbal stores nearby, you might be wondering, can you buy kratom from GNC?   GNC is short for General Nutrition Center, a US-based multinational retail business that Read more…

Can you buy Kratom at Walmart

Can You Buy Kratom at Walmart?

Walmart is a mystifying store where you can buy a fishing pole, cheeseburger onion rings, bentonite clay masks, bottled deer scent, firearms, and dog nail polish—but not CDs with explicit content. Given the eclectic mix of things for sale at Walmart, this begs the question, “Can you buy kratom at Wal-Mart?“ If you’re looking to buy “kratom near me,” you may or may not know what stores sell kratom locally. Since some gas stations sell Read more…

Is kratom legal in Florida

Is Kratom Legal in Florida?

A lot of people ask questions about the legal status of Kratom in Florida. The reason behind such questions asked by those who are strangers to kratom is the common misunderstanding that shadows this natural herb. To bust these myths, it is important to spread correct information about kratom and let the researchers come up with authentic research on the herb. Merely putting a kratom ban based on some rumors is not justified. Especially considering Read more…

Is kratom legal in NC

Is Kratom Legal in NC?

North Carolina has a population of over 10 million people. Kratom has grown in popularity throughout this state. It has also remained a matter of extensive debate among the masses regarding its legal status. One question that many people have is, “Is kratom legal in North Carolina”. This question stems from the history of the FDA and DEA trying to place a kratom ban across the United States. Let’s explore the legalities surrounding kratom in Read more…

Is kratom legal in arizona

Is Kratom Legal in Arizona?

“Is kratom legal in Arizona?” Before we answer let us briefly tell you what is kratom. Kratom is a botanical herb that is sourced from trees native to Southeast Asian regions called Mitragyna Speciosa. These trees have been well-known to the native population for centuries at least.  Kratom has remained an integral part of the daily lives of native tribesmen for most of their known history. Their festivals and gatherings were incomplete without it. All the while, kratom remained Read more…

Where to buy kratom

Where to Buy Kratom

According to research sponsored by American Kratom Association (AKA) in 2016, there are about five million regular buyers of kratom products such as kratom capsules, kratom powder, and liquid kratom extracts. Since 2016, this number is likely to have increased considerably. The Kratom industry in the US has grown manifold since its start almost two decades ago. With all the different varieties of kratom sourced from Mitragyna Speciosa, including all the strains and colors of Read more…

Mitragyna Speciosa

What Is The Mitragyna Speciosa Tree?

Do you ever wonder where your kratom comes from? What is the source of this beautiful naturally occurring herb and how is it obtained from that source? In this blog, we will tell you in detail about different aspects of the kratom tree, which is scientifically named Mitragyna Speciosa. So that the next time you buy kratom, you know a bit of history about it too. Mitragyna Speciosa – A Bit of History Kratom is Read more…

Reddit Kratom

Are Reddit Kratom Forums Trustworthy? All You Need to Know About r/Kratom

Although in the past, various kratom forums have risen and fallen in popularity, Reddit remains a popular online space for kratom discussion. The most famous Reddit kratom sub is r/kratom, which has a following of 123,000 followers (as of 2021). Due to the sheer popularity of kratom reviews (although r/kratom no longer allows kratom vendor reviews), discussions, and questions on the website, it’s good to know a bit about the validity and trustworthiness of the Read more…

Kraken Kratom review pic

Kraken Kratom Review (2021 Update)

If you’ve looked at any of the “best kratom vendors 2021” lists online, chances are, you’ll probably see Kraken Kratom listed as one of the best places to buy kratom. However, it’s also likely that you’ll see “Kratom Crazy” on the list of best kratom vendors in 2021 as well—even though they’re no longer business. In case you haven’t read our article “What happened to Kratom Crazy?“, the basic gist is that the popular kratom Read more…

buy kratom

How to Buy Kratom of Best Quality

Kratom is a fascinating herb that comes exclusively from the Southeast Asian regions. The farmers harvest the kratom from the leaves of a native tree. This tree is known as Mitragyna Speciosa or simply the “kratom tree”. This tree is found in abundance in the tropical countries of Southeast Asia. Kratom comes in many different forms and varieties. However, the most common of all its forms is kratom powder. The skillful kratom growers extract the kratom powder Read more…

Kratom for sale

Kratom for Sale

The captivating botanical herb known as Kratom – with all its intriguing types and varieties – has gained unprecedented popularity and acceptance in the past two decades. In this blog, we will discuss various types of kratom for sale – what are they and why do they occur. We’ll also discuss how you can judge the quality of any kratom on sale yourself, and also find out from where you can buy good quality kratom. Read more…

Kratom In Costa Rica

Kratom in Costa Rica

Kratom in Costa Rica Kratom in Costa Rica has been sold for quite some years now and many Costa Ricans have become kratom experts who can tell the difference between a good quality Kratom and not so good one. Kratom was first introduced in Costa Rica by the US tourists but it was not long before the local Costa Ricans also started to appreciate it. Costa Rica is truly located at the crossroads of the Read more…