Although the Kratom plant has been around for centuries, it has seen immense growth in popularity over the last few decades. Today, there are about 5 million buyers of Kratom residing in the US. This rapid rise in popularity has led the scientific community to begin investigating the mysteries behind the plant and its origins. Keep reading to find the answers to questions like ‘Where does Kratom originate from?’, ‘What does it look like?’ and even learn how to grow your own Kratom plant right at home.

Where Did the Kratom Plant Originate?

To understand something completely, you should always start from the root or the origins of the object in question. The Kratom plant originates from the South Asian regions of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Borneo, Vietnam, etc. It is scientifically known as the Mitragyna speciosa tree. The locals in these regions have regarded this tree as a sacred symbol for centuries, and it plays a prominent role in several holy rituals. The farmers in these areas have become experts at growing and harvesting these trees. For this reason, the highest-quality Kratom for sale supplied throughout the world is always obtained directly from South Asian countries.


Before we talk about the appearance of the Kratom plant and the different colors of its leaves, it is vital to learn some important history that is attached to the plant itself. If the plant has been around for centuries, why is it just beginning to gain prominence?

The Kratom tree was officially discovered in 1836 by Pieter Korthals, the botanist of the Dutch East India Company. But even after its discovery, it took some time for the Western world to start studying the tree. By 1859, it was given the official name of Mitragyna Speciosa, but research and studies didn’t begin until Kratom became popular in the US. Today, countless Kratom enthusiasts in the world are studying Kratom to figure out the riddles behind it.

Since the Kratom industry’s rise in popularity would result in a fall in demand for other industries, many potential competitors of Kratom are making efforts to ban it in the US. If you want to know more about it and also find out about the legality of kratom, read our blog that answers the question “is kratom legal?”

Kratom Plant Appearance

Now that we have discussed the origins and history of the Kratom plant, we’ll examine its appearance. The Kratom tree belongs to the same family as the coffee tree and has a plant-like structure. It is classified as an evergreen tree that grows around 50 feet tall on average, but in the right conditions, it can even grow up to 80 feet tall! The color and shape of the leaves and the bark of the tree resemble most other tropical trees: smooth, with a flat bark and glossy leaves that are pointed at the tip. The Kratom tree also has a diverse branch pattern, which helps it gain maximum sun exposure. The diameter of the trunk can grow to 3 feet wide, which is less than average compared to other trees.

Leaves and Their Colors

The leaves of the Kratom plant are considered the most important part of the plant because they contain the active ingredients mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These alkaloids are the prime reasons why this plant is so fascinating to Kratom enthusiasts in the world. Each Kratom leaf can grow up to 20cm long and 12cm wide. The leaves can have various shades of green in them with 12-17 pairs of veins, which change color according to their level of maturity.

There are three prime colors that the veins of these leaves can develop, and they are distinguished as Green vein KratomWhite vein Kratom, and Red vein Kratom. In the earliest stage of maturity, the veins develop a white color. They will transform from white to green as the leaves mature. In the final stage, the veins turn into a dark red color. Not harvesting the leaves at the right time will result in a loss of quality.

Interested in reading in detail about it? Here is our article about all the different types of kratom.

Which Color in the Kratom Plant Is the Best?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to vein color. It comes down to personal preference. Each color possesses a different alkaloid concentration, and this makes every color unique! Regardless, in terms of popularity, two Kratom types stand out. These are the red-veined Kratom leaves, as they have the highest alkaloid concentration level, and the green-vein Kratom leaves since they are the most balanced of the lot.

The Perfect Conditions to Grow a Kratom Plant

While deciding on one perfect color for every Kratom buyer is impossible, providing the ideal conditions to grow a high-quality Kratom plant is not. All you have to do is try and mimic the conditions of the Kratom tree in its region of origin, South Asia. The first thing you have to do is obtain high-quality Kratom seeds—be careful because not all seeds are fresh and of good quality. The freshness of the seeds determines the success the plant will have in growing, so it is crucial to buy your Kratom seeds from reputable vendors.

Hotter and wetter climates will help your Kratom seeds to grow larger and compete for sunlight with other plants and trees. Humidity is also a key factor, as regions with a high humidity level, such as Indonesia, have proven to grow high-quality Kratom trees. Furthermore, weather patterns are also likely to affect the growth of your plant as they change the alkaloid composition of the Kratom in the plant. This is why many people choose to grow their Kratom plants indoors. To provide the right conditions indoors, many people use bulbs for artificial light. A very moist, nitrogen-rich soil and temperatures between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit are also required if you plan to grow high-quality Kratom. It is worth mentioning that creating these conditions can be quite an arduous task, and some plants may take more than a year to grow up to 20 feet tall. For people who want to buy Kratom and are new to the Kratom world, we recommend the different Kratom powders and kratom capsules we offer on our website Buy Kratom Bulk USA.

Tips to Grow a Kratom Plant at Home

Yes, it may sound difficult to grow a good quality Kratom plant at home, but the tasks which are hardest to perform often bear the sweetest fruits. If you manage to replicate the conditions of South Asian regions successfully, you can grow high-quality Kratom in your backyard! Here are some key tips that can help you in growing your Kratom plant that will give out pure and authentic kratom leaves.

  • The soil you use should have the correct pH, ideally between 5.5-6.5. This pH range allows the optimal absorption of nutrients by the plant.
  • Humid conditions are essential as they help the plant to feel like they are back home in South Asia. The more humidity you offer the plant, the higher its quality will be.
  • It is no secret that optimal lighting is an essential aspect of growing your Kratom plant. When growing indoors, it is best to place your plants near skylights or windows. Other than that, you can also use LED lights or fluorescent lighting.
  • Use a medium or large fish tank to create an excellent environment for your plant.
  • Trim the plants occasionally, so they don’t grow too tall.
  • Use heat from bulbs to give your plant an ideal temperature between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit, as this is not the temperature inside houses.
  • Feed your plant with liquid plant food and watch as it grows.

Popular Kratom Strains

While there are three primary colors present in the Kratom leaves, the strains of the Kratom tree can have many different varieties based on the region it grows in. Different areas have different weather and climate conditions, and there can also be differences in how the Kratom is harvested from the plant. Because of all this, the Kratom strains obtained from different regions have various alkaloid concentrations and diverse qualities. That being said, some of the most popular Kratom strains currently available in the market are:

Bali Kratom

Bali Kratom is one of the most popular and commonly grown strains in the Kratom world. Its region of origin is Bali, Indonesia. Because of its low price and high quality, it is one of the top picks of all Kratom enthusiasts in the world. Bali Kratom is available as Red-vein Bali Kratom, White-vein Bali Kratom, and Green-vein Bali Kratom.

Maeng Da Kratom

One strain that is popular for its unique alkaloid concentration levels and high quality is the Maeng Da Kratom strain. Selective pollination methods are used to grow Maeng Da Kratom trees in Indonesia. It is available as Red-vein Maeng Da Kratom, White-vein Maeng Da Kratom, and Green-vein Maeng Da Kratom.

Borneo Kratom

The Borneo Kratom strain originates from the island of Borneo, which is the third-largest island in the world. It is available as Red-vein Borneo Kratom, White-vein Borneo Kratom, and Green-vein Borneo Kratom.

Where to Purchase the Best Quality Kratom

Knowing all this information about Kratom is only useful as long as you know where can you buy kratom of the best quality! Luckily for you, at Buy Kratom Bulk USA, we aim to provide our customers with the highest quality Kratom available. If you think growing a Kratom plant is not for you, check out our extensive list of Kratom capsules and powders. We are confident that you will find something that catches your eye! To learn more about Kratom, make sure to visit our Kratom blogs section.

Looking to buy bulk kratom at wholesale rates? The more you buy the more you save. Read our article about Kratom Wholesale.

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Tests?


Years of experience in content writing, emphasizing the Kratom Industry has enabled Saad to progress and achieve enviable results.

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