Kratom is an herb, but a unique one. You may be wondering, what makes Kratom so different from other commonly available herbs? Well, the answer is in the primary Kratom alkaloids, which are only available in Kratom leaves.

If you want to learn more about Kratom basics, check out one of our previous posts on what is Kratom. In this guide, we will be exploring the alkaloids within kratom.

Primary Kratom Alkaloids

Kratom is also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, the name that also represents its key alkaloid. Even though Kratom contains dozens of alkaloids and flavonoids, it is primarily known for the two most dominant alkaloids, Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

These are the two most dominant alkaloids in any Kratom leaf, with Mitragynine making the largest proportion, up to 66% of the total alkaloid content in some Kratom strains.

Some other alkaloids commonly present in a Kratom leaf include:

  • Paynantheine: This alkaloid makes up to 8% in some strains and is known as the second most abundant alkaloid in Kratom.
  • Speciogynine: Out of total alkaloid content, this one makes up to 6% in most strains.
  • 7-hydroxymitragynine: Even though 7-hydroxymitragynine is not the second most dominant alkaloid in Kratom, it is ranked after Mitragynine as the second most important alkaloid in Kratom. This is available in 0.2% to 2% of the alkaloid content, but due to its strong profile, is primarily responsible for giving Kratom its unique features.
  • Mitraphylline: This one also makes up less than 1% of the total alkaloid content.

Other Kratom alkaloids that are available in small concentrations include Isomitraphylline, Speciophylline (also commonly found in another popular herb, Chinese Cat’s claw), Rhynchophylline, Isorhynchophylline, Ajmalicine (Raubasine), Akuammigine, Ciliaphylline, Corynantheidine (rauhimbine), Corynoxeine, Corynoxine A and B, Epicatechin, 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine, Isomitrafoline, Isopteropodine, Isospeciofoline, Mitraciliatine, Mitragynine oxindole B, Mitrafoline, Mitraversine, Speciociliatine, Speciofoline, Stipulatine, and Tetrahydroalstonine.

In addition to these alkaloids, Kratom also contains several flavonoids. The ratio between alkaloids and flavonoids gives different characteristics to different Kratom strains.

Kratom Strains and Alkaloids

The first thing you need to decide is which strain you would like to try. After that, you can move on to vein colors and the product type, like Kratom capsules or Kratom powder.

You can find around two dozen Kratom strains in the world, with more still being found in the deep Southeast Asian rainforests.

The number of Kratom alkaloids present and the ratio of each alkaloid give birth to different strains of Kratom. In some Kratom strains, like Red Bali or Maeng Da Kratom, the ratio of key alkaloid, Mitragynine, is up to 66%. In Malay Kratom, it can go down to 16%. This ratio and the number of alkaloids and flavonoids in each Kratom strain give it a different set of features and characteristics.

Kratom Vein Colors and Alkaloids

Kratom alkaloids also affect Kratom vein colors that are naturally available in three different colors. These colors include Green, White, and Red Kratom. With modern harvesting and drying techniques, some farmers can also create Yellow and Gold colors.

You can buy Kratom in all these vein colors on Buy Kratom Bulk USA. Even though finding all these vein colors is extremely rare on most Kratom vendors, you can find multiple Kratom strains in even Gold and Yellow vein Kratom on our site, like Gold Bali Kratom and Yellow Vietnam Kratom.

So, what is the connection between Kratom alkaloids and Kratom vein colors? Well, Kratom colors are based on the concentration of Kratom alkaloids, as the concentration of these alkaloids increased with Kratom leaf age. As the concentration increases, the veins in the Kratom leaves change their color.

This means the green vein color of most strains comes with the lowest concentration of alkaloids. The white vein Kratom has a higher concentration, while the red vein Kratom has the highest ratio of alkaloids.

This is why people who are new to Kratom are recommended to start with Green Vein Kratoms, while regular buyers can go for White or Red vein Kratom.

Kratom Alkaloids – Key Take-Away

We are sure you now know everything about the Kratom alkaloids. It is important to learn about the Kratom alkaloids and their roles in each Kratom strain and vein color, as these alkaloids are what make Kratom so special.

Each Kratom strain or vein color comes with a different balance between Kratom and flavonoids, as well as its own unique alkaloid ratio. This is the primary reason why each strain is different from the other.

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Tests?


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