Well, when we read the words Red Dragon, the first thing that comes to our mind is the cannibal serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. And why not? The bone-chilling classic thriller was rated as one of the greatest movies of all time. But wait, we are not talking about the movie here, but a Kratom strain, the Red Dragon Kratom.

When it comes to Kratom, the first thing you need to learn about is the Kratom strains. The amazing range of strains available for this herb makes it unique, and a reason why it is getting more and more popular in Western countries.

What makes it even more appealing is that new strains are still being discovered, as humans are penetrating deep into dense Southeast Asian rainforests and jungles. One of the newest discoveries is the Red Dragon Kratom.

Red kratom for sale

Are you wondering what Red Dragon Kratom is?

Do you want to learn more about this rare Kratom strain?

Do you want to compare it with other popular red vein Kratoms?

If yes, keep reading because this article will answer all your questions about the Red Dragon Kratom.

What is Red Dragon Kratom?

red kratom for sale

Well, there is a lot of misinformation about Red Dragon Kratom as it is a new product in the market. Some people mix it with a Red Thai Kratom, mostly because both strains come from the same country, Thailand. Others think of it as a variation of Red Thai Kratom, like an advanced and more expensive version of the same strain.

Even though it is believed that the Red Dragon Kratom originated in Thailand, but now it is also farmed in some parts of Malaysia. The point is, the Red Dragon imported into the US can be from Thailand or Malaysia, or even from other countries. So, the strain is not specific to any particular country.

However, this is not entirely true. Red Dragon Kratom is a different strain that comes with distinguishable features from the Red Thai Kratom, but some similarities as well. It is called Red Dragon because the leaves of this strain have a natural reddish tint, which makes an overwhelming color when farmers turn it into powder and extract form.

Red Dragon is difficult to find, as it is not common yet. However, you can still find a few Kratom vendors selling Kratom powder and Kratom capsules for this strain.

Difference Between Red Thai and Red Dragon Kratom?

As mentioned above, the Red Dragon is often confused with Red Thai. However, there is a significant difference. For example, Red Dragon contains a higher ratio of alkaloids compared to Red Thai Kratom.

You can also read about the Thai Kratom in detail on our blog.

To put it in simple words, Red Dragon is the more dominant Kratom strain if we compare both. This is why this strain needs very fertile soil and a perfect climate.

What is the Feedback from Kratom Enthusiasts?

red dragon for sale

If you scan the online forums and blogs, you can find Red Dragon as a popular option among the people who actually had experience with it. For example, on the Reddit Kratom forum, some users claimed that they are happy and satisfied with this strain.

Some others rated it as a better product compared to some other red strains like Red Maeng Da Kratom. However, a few other Kratom enthusiasts rated Red Bali as the best red vein strain out there.

You can find more than a dozen Kratom strains on Buy Kratom Bulk USA, with most available in red vein variation.

All in all, when it comes to feedback from buyers, Red Dragon earns an impressive reputation. This is why the strain is getting more and more popular in the US with each passing day.

Final Words

Red Dragon Kratom is a new addition to already an impressive array of Kratom strains available to the Kratom buyers in the US. The fact that the new strains are still being found in Southeast Asia is what makes Kratom a fascinating herb for many.

However, if you are buying a new Kratom, make sure you are buying from the right seller. There is a limited number of online vendors that currently sell Red Dragon Kratom, so you probably have to dig deep. As this is a new product, make sure you are getting the right strain, so investigate the seller’s reputation first.

If you want to learn more about Kratom and other related topics, you can visit our Kratom blog to read about in-depth Kratom guides, latest news, and vendor reviews.

 red Dragon Kratom

Years of experience in content writing, emphasizing the Kratom Industry has enabled Saad to progress and achieve enviable results.


Years of experience in content writing, emphasizing the Kratom Industry has enabled Saad to progress and achieve enviable results.

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