There are a wide variety of kratom vendors which can make it hard to find the right vendor for you. When you’re in the market for a kratom vendor, you want to get your products from someone that provides lab-tested kratom that is fresh and safe. Njoy is a distributor of herbal products including hemp, kratom, and bubble hash.

Njoy Kratom

Is this vendor a joy to work with? Read on to find out!

Who is Njoy?

Njoy is an herbal distributor based out of Bethesda, Maryland. They don’t have a primary brick and mortar store but do supply head shops, smoke shops, and other commercial locations along with offering an online storefront for shopping. Since opening in 2013, its vision statement is to provide safe and pure kratom to its customers. Njoy participates in a variety of conventions across the country to speak about its products while also spreading awareness for the kratom industry.

Are they AKA Accredited?

The AKA is the American Kratom Association, a United States regulatory agency. They provide general guidelines for kratom distribution, the sale, and education about the herb itself. Distributors can become AKA Accredited by upholding the guidelines and undergoing testing to ensure they meet the standards.

Njoy kratom is AKA Accredited. They promote the education of kratom products, provide a percentage of their order to the AKA and follow the regulations provided. Having agencies that are accredited and uphold the guidelines is important when looking for a kratom vendor.

Kratom vendors should be companies that you trust to provide you with kratom that is safe, pure, and fresh. Njoy and Buy Kratom Bulk both offer these to the kratom community to educate the public while supporting their customers and community.

Lab testing

Kratom vendors should always lab test their products. This can be done in-house like at Buy Kratom Bulk, or through 3rd party testing agencies like at Njoy. It is critical to know that the kratom products you receive are 100% pure kratom and are free of any possible chemical additives, pesticides, or other contaminants in the products. The results should be provided to you, as a customer, at your request so you can feel confident in your vendor.

Njoy Products

Kratom vendors should offer you a variety of products and sizes. This lets you experience different options of kratom while also letting you order the right amount of product for you. Njoy kratom offers a selection of 9 strains for their powders or capsules:

  • Vietnam
  • Red Malay
  • Red Maeng Da
  • Green Malay
  • Green Maeng Da
  • Bali
  • Maeng Da
  • White Maeng Da
  • Yellow Borneo

This is a modest selection of products to choose from with certain popular strains like Maeng Da available in all three vein colors yet lacking in the strain variety for other vein colors of harvest locations.

Other kratom vendors like Buy Kratom Bulk offer wider selections of kratom including a variety of strain locations and vein colors for each along with specialty strains like yellow, horn, elephant, or golden kratom to provide you with a wider selection of products.


Kratom prices can vary based on the strain, potency, amount, and type of kratom product. The following is a price comparison of some of the strains offered by Njoy and Buy Kratom Bulk.


  • Red Malay 1 kg powder = $129.99
  • Bali (1 kg powder) = $139.99
  • Yellow Borneo (150 count) = $24.99

Buy Kratom Bulk

  • Red Malay (1 kg powder) = $84.99
  • Red Bali (1 kg powder) = $84.99
  • Yellow Borneo (250 count) = $42.99

While the prices are comparable on the kratom capsules, you’ll note that you can pick the exact strain and have a wider variety of sizes at Buy Kratom Bulk than at Njoy. For kratom powders, there is an obvious saving for Buy Kratom Bulk.

Customer Feedback

Njoy offers star ratings on all its products. Every product has a 4-star rating, but there are no reviews or statements from its customers. This can make it difficult to get peer advice or experiences from the strains to know what the kratom community enjoyed and what may work best for you.

Other vendors offer their ratings along with customer feedback to see who is providing the review and let you comment on that person to share your experience. This is valuable to the kratom community when they are shopping for a kratom vendor and their products.

Njoy Coupon Codes

If you’re looking to find out about holiday sales, sign up for a membership to earn points, or even get a discount on your order, then you may be looking for a way to sign up. The only sign-up that Njoy offers is for partnering with their company. This leaves customers out in the cold and doesn’t reward you for your return business.

Other vendors like Buy Kratom Bulk offer their customers a points system along with sale events to help save money on kratom products. These systems reward you for being a return and valued customer while keeping you informed about your favorite strains of kratom.

Refund/Return Policies

Njoy offers an industry-standard 30-day return policy on their kratom products. Their site advises you to go to their “Returns” page to find out further details and how to contact their support teams despite not having a “Returns” page on their website.

You should be supported for your kratom orders during all stages of the ordering process. This includes being able to reach out if you have questions before or after your order is placed along with clear directions on who to reach out to if you have a problem. Buy Kratom Bulk also offers a 30-day return policy but backs up customers with a satisfaction guarantee.


Njoy offers 24/7 delivery to over 100 countries and sells to adults over 21 years of age. There aren’t details about how soon their orders ship after they are placed. They ship only to locations where their products are legal, which is confirmed at checkout.

Knowing when and where you can get kratom is a big factor. Vendors need to be upfront about how they ship and where they ship to so their customers know if they cannot order due to legal restrictions. This transparency protects the company while also protecting the customer from unknowingly ordering a product that can’t arrive.


Njoy offers a few strains of kratom at reasonable prices for those that are looking for kratom or other herbal products. While they don’t offer savings, reward customer loyalty or provide as much support to their community, the vendor is AKA accredited and strives to provide quality.

If you’re looking for quality kratom at savings while also having safe, pure, and fresh kratom, then Buy Kratom Bulk may be a better option to let you order a larger variety of kratom at a better cost. They also offer customer reviews and feedback with a supportive customer service team to help you during your ordering process.

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