Kingdom Kratom- The Rightful Heirs?

With so many different kratom vendors available, it can be hard to find the best vendor who has quality products, great customer service, and affordable pricing. When on this quest to find that vendor, it takes a lot of careful research to find a company that doesn’t just have budget products but also is tested and fresh. You’ll want somewhere with great customer service to help you if you have questions or need assistance with a recent order. 

Kingdom Kratom boasts that they provide fresh and high-quality kratom to their community of users. But do they measure up to their claims? Read on to see what is really going on in the kingdom!

Who is Kingdom Kratom?

Kingdom Kratom is a brick-and-mortar store based in San Antonio, Texas that offers an online storefront as well. Besides this, there is little information offered about the company itself. They lack an About Us page on their site, leading to questions about their origins, founders, or any information about the company itself. 

Their website offers a wide variety of products and Google can show you a few pictures of their primary location. Despite having a wide variety of products that contain information, they offer very little about their own business on their site.

Are they AKA Accredited? 

The AKA is the American Kratom Association, a regulatory agency in the United States. They provide standards and guidelines for kratom vendors. Using these strict standards, they provide rules and regulations for kratom vendors to ensure that customers receive fresh, pure, and safe kratom products that are of high quality. 

Kingdom Kratom is not AKA Accredited. They aren’t accredited or provide any information about testing on their products. Their site makes no claims that their products are tested by a third-party company or even in-house. This should raise red flags for customers that the products haven’t been reviewed for purity and quality.

Vendors such as Buy Kratom Bulk USA offer lab testing on their products, which ensures you are getting kratom that is free of contaminates. This is one of the cornerstones of an AKA Accreditation.

Kingdom Kratom Products

Kingdom Kratom offers a wide variety of kratom products from powders, capsules, and extracts. Each of these has several selections for the strains that they offer and lets customers have a lot of options to choose from. 

They carry the following strains on their site:

  • Green Maeng Da
  • White Maeng Da
  • Red Bali
  • Super White Borneo
  • Super Green Borneo
  • Super Red Borneo
  • Gold Bali
  • White Samarinda 
  • White Horn
  • Green Velvet
  • Yellow Vietnam
  • Yellow Borneo
  • Green Malay
  • Green Horn
  • Green Elephant
  • Red Thai
  • Green Entikong
  • Red Bentuangie
  • While Malay
  • Red Elephant
  • Chocolate 
  • Red Malay

Each of these can be found as a powder that starts at a size of 25-grams and goes up to 1kg. You can expect to pay $8.50 for their smallest size and $122 for their largest size. While the $8.50 seems like a steal for kratom products, it is a small amount offered which is ¼ the typical size of kratom products- so more like a sample size.

For those that are looking for capsules, they also offer the strains above in 60 counts or 120 count capsules which range from $18.99 to $34.99. While their capsules are the same industry size as many other vendors, you’ll note that they only offer 550 mg of kratom in each. A standard kratom capsule usually contains exactly 1 gram of kratom powder, so these aren’t of the same as many others.

When it comes to extracts, their best-selling product is a 10 ml 2-shot kratom extract that runs for $15.99. They also offer more unique products such as their edible gummies or caramels which are kratom infused.


Something that you may notice about the prices in Kingdom Kratom is that they seem fairly inexpensive. While this may sound like a steal for those looking for a bargain, looking at the descriptions in the small print, you see that you’re paying a discounted price for fewer products. Within their capsules, they contain just over half of the amount of the normal-sized kratom capsules while their kratom powders which are under $10 are of a very small size. 

This may be a great deal if you are looking to sample a wide variety. Their product sizes are less than that of other vendors and are something to be aware of with the lower price. This is a situation of “you get what you pay for.”

Customer Feedback

Overall, Kratom Kingdom gets pretty good reviews. Their normal customers are pleased with the products and the prices they review and the shop even responds to the customers’ feedback. On their site, the reviews are all overly positive towards the products, so the customers seem happy with what they are getting. 

Kingdom Kratom Coupon Codes

If you’re looking to save a few shillings while ordering your kratom, they offer a VIP program. You get a discount code for 10% off your first order with promises of notifications and deals to be sent to your inbox as well. This may help you out around holiday times and on your first order to save a few dollars. 

Refund/Return Policies

Kingdom Kratom offers an industry-standard, 30-day return policy. However, their policy is different and does raise some concerns. They offer a full refund if you return 50% or more of the product in its original packaging back to the store. The part that raises concerns is the “inspection” of the order. With no details provided on what they’re inspecting for, you then have to wait for the investigation to conclude before you can receive your refund/partial refund. This leads some to wonder what they are looking for and if they are prorating your return.


Kingdom Kratom offers same-day shipping which has their customers satisfied with the fast delivery of their products. They ship to the United States in locations where kratom is legal and indicate areas where you cannot have the product shipped. Unfortunately, there isn’t a promo or way to save if ordering a certain amount to earn yourself free shipping. 

Is Kingdom Kratom The Real Deal?

While Kingdom Kratom does a great job of offering a wide variety of products at a discounted price, they have more red flags that seem to outweigh this positive. The main stressor is that they don’t have any information about testing their products to back up the claims that you are getting fresh and pure kratom. This raises enough concern without any details to deter some. They also have a return/refund policy which raises more questions than it answers and not enough details about who they are to make you feel confident in who you are buying from. 

If you’re looking for an AKA accredited organization that offers you products that are guaranteed fresh and pure, which are backed by a third-party lab, Buy Kratom Bulk USA may be a better choice for you. Their customer service also offers a similar return/refund policy without an inspection of your return order and also offers you a wide variety of products.

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