Slowly yet steadily, many people in the US are discovering Mitragyna Speciosa. It may take another few years before more Americans become well-acquainted with this herb. But even today, hundreds of thousands of buyers in the US seek Kratom regularly. Hence, stores like Remarkable Herbs are popping up left and right. But is Remarkable herbs kratom even worth your money? Let us find out!

While there are plenty of sources to buy kratom from, only a handful of stores offer high quality at an affordable price. And the combination of value plus affordability is what you should look for. For instance, many kratom enthusiasts say that Bulk stores offer higher value.

The quality of kratom at one bulk store might be similar to another smaller kratom shop (especially if they have the same source). However, bulk stores typically offer good discounts and savings. So, essentially, you are getting the same kratom but for a lower price. This is where the ‘value’ aspect comes in.

All About the Remarkable Herbs Kratom Store

The Remarkable Herbs store has been around for a long time. Now that we are in 2021, this store is operating for exactly two decades as it first surfaced in 2001. However, it was in 2012 (during the late boom of e-commerce) when the store decided to expand its services online.

Until 2017, the Remarkable Herbs store sold plenty of other herbs too, along with Kratom. Till then, selling kratom was not their focus. Although this herb was still a part of their bigger line of products.

However, after 2017, the brand started receiving a lot of praise for its kratom products. And hence, the company went through a total rebranding and began focusing heavily on the sale of Kratom.

Still, today, this company sells other herbs too. So, some kratom enthusiasts point out that this company still does not fully specialize in selling kratom.

What About Remarkable Herbs Quality?

To figure out what the quality of their products is like, we went through several Kratom blogs on the internet. According to buyers in different Reddit threads, the quality of Remarkable Herbs kratom products is decent. Generally, the buyers are quite happy with their purchases.

Though, some buyers do express some disappointment from time to time. But that is natural because exceptional situations can and will occur sometimes.

Remarkable Herbs Kratom Products

Currently, on their website, we could only find kratom powder. Unlike our store, ‘Buy Kratom Bulk USA’, the Remarkable Herbs store does not have a large collection of products.

For instance, our store deals with kratom capsules and kratom powder. Furthermore, all our products are neatly arranged according to the strain and the color.

In total, the Remarkable Herbs store offers the following kratom strains:

  • Bali Red Vein kratom
  • Indo Green Vein Kratom
  • Maeng Da Green, red, and white vein kratom
  • Malaysian Green Vein Kratom
  • Thai Green Vein Kratom
  • Vietnam Green Vein Kratom

In comparison, our store, ‘Buy Kratom Bulk USA’ offers you the following varieties in red, white, green, yellow, and gold kratom colors (subject to availability):

  • Bali Kratom
  • Borneo Kratom
  • Elephant Kratom
  • Horn Kratom
  • Indo Kratom
  • Lucky 7 Kratom
  • Maeng Da Kratom
  • Malay Kratom
  • Sumatra Kratom
  • Super Indo Kratom
  • Thai Kratom
  • Vietnam Kratom

As you can see, we deal with numerous kratom strains with varying alkaloid levels. That coupled with multiple colors means that you have endless choices of products available at our store.

As for the Remarkable Herbs Kratom store, nobody can say whether the company plans to add more kratom varieties to their product line.

What to Check Before Buying Kratom?

Many new Kratom buyers ask us what they need to check before buying from a new store. Well, the first thing that we suggest, is to read reviews about the brands. Kratom forums are the best sources for genuine information, as you can find other regular kratom buyers there. Their buyers are always willing to advise newer ones.

Alternatively, you may also consider reading our kratom blog. We regularly update our blog with news of all the latest developments in the kratom industry. Furthermore, you can also find countless guides for new buyers in our blog.

Another thing that you must check is the price of a store’s products. If it seems too high in comparison to the value the store offers, just dip, and start looking for another option.

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Tests?


Years of experience in content writing, emphasizing the Kratom Industry has enabled Saad to progress and achieve enviable results.