Yellow Vietnam Kratom Powder


Yellow Vietnam Kratom powder has many dedicated fans and it is one of the most interesting Kratom strains out there. Yellow and Vietnam, both combine to give it very unique characteristics. Click to read more..

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Yellow Vietnam kratom has become a very popular strain of kratom that is sweeping the market. Yellowed veined kratom can be difficult to find, not only due to its rarity but also due to its unique coloration and creation process. 

Strain names typically come from the vein of the kratom tree leaves and the location where it is grown and harvested. This creates a lot of different strains and varieties for users to try. The Yellow Vietnam kratom is made from yellow veined kratom that is grown in Vietnam. This specialized strain is available through select vendors and has become a popular variety for users. 

The Mitragyna speciosa tree is also known as the kratom tree. This tree is a distant cousin to the coffee plants and some strains even have coffee or earthy aroma. This tree grows across Southeast Asia and thrives in the tropical climate. Yellow Vietnam grows in the forests of Vietnam where the hot and humid weather with frequent rainfall allows the trees to thrive. The soil is packed tightly with nutrients to support their longevity and growth, producing healthy kratom leaves. 

Strains of Kratom

Kratom can naturally come in three main colors: white, green, or red. The vein color begins as a light color which darkens as the leaves age and the alkaloid content increases. The leaves can be harvested at the early stage and be named white-veined kratom, the midpoint of their life being green-veined kratom, or at their peak maturity and be red-veined kratom. 

Yellow veined kratom is a unique vein of kratom where a specialized drying process provides it with a yellow color. The color can be dependent based on whether it is dried in direct sunlight or shade and the length of the drying process. When exposed to sunlight, the chemical composition changes further. The yellow vines kratom does not occur naturally and can only be made through extended drying times. Once the leaves are dried, a fermentation process can begin to change the alkaloid content and impact the color. This involves trapping moisture by placing the leaves in a bag and leaving them for extended periods of time. 

Because of this process and the specific harvesting location, this newer strain is taking the kratom market by storm and increasing in popularity. The strain is not commonly found but is accessible through some select vendors. 

Forms of Kratom

Yellow veined kratom is available in three main forms. The leaves are harvested, dried using the specialized technique, sometimes fermented, and then turned into a variety of kratom products. Most commonly the leaves are crushed and turned into a powder. The powder can be used as it is or placed within capsules for ease of use. When the kratom is fermented, it can also be used to make a tincture or extract which is a more concentrated version of the product. 

Different forms are available for use so that avid kratom users can select their personal preferences for use. The variety in the product’s strains and forms allows you to choose what type of product and the strain based on what you are looking for in a product. 

Similar Strains

If you love Yellow Vietnam then you will want to check out the following strains.

Yellow Sumatra

Yellow Sumatra is another popular yellow strain of kratom. This particular strain is one of the most difficult to find due to the limited availability of Sumatra trees for harvesting. It possesses similar properties to the Yellow Vietnam kratom but has its own unique traits from growing in the Sumatra region.

Yellow Borneo 

Another popular strain of kratom includes the Yellow Borneo. This particular strain often contains combinations of red, green, and white kratom with yellow creating a unique blend that many kratom users enjoy.