To buy premium Elephant Kratom, the first thing you need to know is its strains. If you’re an avid Kratom user, you’ll be aware of the different Kratom strains and where they come from. Most Kratom strains are named based on the tree, origin, or place, such as Asia Kratom, Bali Kratom, Sumatra Kratom, Thai Kratom, etc.

Elephant Kratom

Elephant Kratom Etymology

Considering this, Elephant Kratom appears to be a unique name, of course. Why is that so? This uniqueness in the strain’s name comes from the etymology based on the analogy between the strain’s leaves and the elephant’s ears.

Does this mean elephant Kratom’s leaves are as big? No, they are not as large, but they stand out among other Kratom leaves in terms of size and shape. Also, they are pretty similar in characteristics.

Just like the elephant’s ears, these leaves are floppy and limp, and they are also spread out; hence, they justify the strain’s name. But this similarity in appearance is not the only thing the strain got its name; it bears robust properties that set it apart from the other strains.

Origins and Benefits

Elephant kratom, a popular strain, has its roots in Southeast Asia. Typically, this region doesn’t see too much cold, except for manageable temperature falls for a few months.

The Southeast Asian region offers a hot and humid climate for most of the year, which is ideal for growing elephant kratom.

Besides being the most sought-after strain in its growing regions, Elephant kratom is Westerners’ favorite strain, too. But before we tell you why Elephant Kratom is so famous, you should know where you can buy it easily.

Buy Kratom Bulk USA is a one-stop shop for all types of Kratom strains. We take pride in serving our customers with the highest quality strains, all GMP-compliant and contaminant-free. After importing the strains directly from the growers across Asia, we make sure each batch is safe for our clients.

For this purpose, all product batches go through rigorous and uncompromised testing based on industry standards. The end product is free from side effects.

Elephant Kratom at Buy Kratom Bulk USA

Different kratom strains are processed and prepared in various forms. On Buy Kratom Bulk USA, you can find a strain in liquid form, powder form, or capsule form. Also, the strains may have different colors, attributing to the alkaloid concentration level.

In the case of the premium Elephant Kratom strain, there are two most common product forms:

Let’s talk about each in detail below.

Elephant Kratom Powder at Buy Kratom Bulk USA

As said, Kratom colors vary based on their ingredients, such as white, red, golden, green, yellow, etc., but our experience tells us that super green elephant Kratom is the most demanded strain.

Therefore, catering to high demands, we stock Super green elephant Kratom on Buy Kratom Bulk USA.

Super Green Elephant Kratom Powder

The super green elephant kratom powder is prepared from the young leaves of the elephant Kratom. Because of the larger size, the alkaloid levels within the elephant Kratom leaves are higher.

Kratom’s super green color indicates that the kratom tree has been harvested quite often, owing to the frequent rainfall that makes it easier to harvest them while they’re still young.

“Super’ indicates that only the largest leaves (that are well-nourished) should be picked for further processing.

These offer the highest Mitragynine content, which contributes to 66% of the alkaloids present within the Kratom leaf. This is why we at Buy Kratom Bulk USA sell green elephant Kratom.

Rest assured that we import fresh Kratom from trusted suppliers, ensuring that you get a premium quality product as you expect.

Super Green Elephant Kratom Powder Pricing

We offer highly competitive prices for each Kratom Powder, and this one is no exception.

For Home-based Customers

Other vendors offer 100 grams of premium-quality elephant kratom at $20. But if you buy 500mg of super green elephant kratom powder at BuyKratomBulkUSA, you can get it for just $60. That’s a whopping $40 discount!

For Wholesalers and Retailers

You get a deal beyond imagination via our Kratom Wholesale Kilo. You can get 5kg super green elephant kratom powder for $650 at Buy Kratom Bulk USA.

Free Shipping

Whether you’re the end-user or retailer, all orders above $79 are eligible for free shipping in the US.

Elephant Kratom Capsules at Buy Kratom Bulk USA

For online buyers, retailers, and wholesalers looking for elephant kratom capsules, Buy Kratom Bulk USA is an ideal place to grab your stash.

Some kratom enthusiasts prefer capsules over powdered kratom, and we are all well aware of it. Modern and trendy, Kratom capsules are available in many different colors, carrying various levels of alkaloids.

You can buy red vein, green vein, or white vein capsules at Buy Bulk Kratom USA. However, elephant kratom capsules are available in super green strain only.

Super Green Elephant Kratom Capsules

Super elephant kratom capsules are manufactured using the larger elephant kratom leaves, which contain high levels of alkaloids, mainly mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.

The Kratom leaves used are 5-10 times larger, ensuring the capsules deliver up to 80% of these two ingredients.

We pre-test premium elephant kratom batches to ensure that they are free from pesticides or harmful chemicals. In addition, we strictly check the ingredients used in manufacturing capsule shells.

We use pretested ingredients, which will cause no side effects on the consumers, unlike other brands.

Elephant Kratom Capsule Pricing

We offer a minimum of 250 grams, which will be around 500 capsules. When coupled with capsule shells, the aggregate weight comes out to be 260 grams. You can purchase a bundle for just $60.

At Buy Bulk Kratom USA, the more capsules you buy, the more discount you get. For example, you can purchase the following:

  • 500 grams of Kratom (1,000 capsules) at $110
  • 750 grams of Kratom (approximately 1,500 capsules) at $155
  • 1000 grams of kratom (around 2,000 capsules) for just $195

Remember, you can avail of free shipping within the US if you buy capsules worth $79 or more.

Why Choose Buy Kratom Bulk USA?

Buy Kratom Bulk USA has become a well-known US-based brand due to its transparent services and a variety of premium Kratom products on offer. We satisfy our customers with variety and competitive prices and provide consistent quality. How?

We choose trusted suppliers and farmers after an unbiased screening, which has helped us partner with the best Kratom producers across Southeast Asia. From importing to delivering the product to your doorstep, our exceptional storage facilities preserve the taste and efficacy of the product.

Lastly, you can get discounts through bulk purchases or Kratom coupon codes. In short, if you don’t want to compromise on quality, you can make your first purchase and enjoy the experience.

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