There are many different kratom products on the market including powders, capsules, and tinctures. Kratom oil may be one product that you have never heard of and with good reason. This is a non existing product but one many people are searching for. Let’s talk about why you will not find kratom oil on the shelves.

Kratom Oil (Supposition)

Kratom oil is believed to be a unique Kratom extract with a higher alkaloid count and more nutrients than any other form. Some of the avid buyers would know that Kratom alkaloids come from the Kratom leaves. If infused with a carrier oil, they would render better concentration in the liquid.

Naturally, carrier oils – coconut oil, olive oil, or mustard oil – can absorb different herbs. These oils tend to distribute the herb evenly inside the human body. On the other hand, Kratom capsules, for instance, have to reach the stomach and get digested.

People often buy liquid Kratom because their breakdown is less complicated. They don’t need to reach the digestive system. They tend to get absorbed, hence are quick in terms of releasing the basic ingredients.

What Does This Mean for Kratom Oil?

Considering the above, this makes Kratom oil the best product – less time-taking and rich in alkaloids. But the question remains: is Kratom oil a possibility? Does it exist?

There is a big ‘IF’ as we don’t know if Kratom oil existed for real. But if it does, it would have been the best to serve the purpose. Kratom oil could be the highest-quality Kratom product on the market. But unfortunately, this is not the case.

There are quite a few reasons why we don’t see Kratom oil on the shelves. Here are some of them:

Kratom Extraction

Kratom is a unique herb. It is extracted from the Kratom leaves, and extracting mitragyna speciosa from one part of the plant is not as complicated as it is with other herbs, like CBD.

Normally, Kratom leaves go through grinding and thrashing, giving a finely ground Kratom powder. Some people buy Kratom powder while others buy encapsulated Kratom powders.

Moreover, Kratom leaves are soaked in liquids, like water and alcohol, to deliver the alkaloids. The process is straightforward and doesn’t require expensive carrier oils in the process.

Whereas, carrier oils are suitable for extracting ingredients of the herb from different parts of the plant. Soaking an entire plant would yield the main content along with other impurities that may require refining.

However, with Kratom, you don’t have to deal with excessive refining as doing it would minimize the alkaloid count.

Kratom – Not a Food Product

Kratom has been legalized in many states, but still, there has been significant opposition to its sales and possession. We all know that the DEA and the FDA are quite keen on banning Kratom products across the country.

According to them, Kratom should be classified as a Schedule I drug. Moreover, these authorities have been opposing Kratom. This is solely the reason why Kratom manufacturers and vendors don’t prepare Kratom oil or stock it on their shelves.

You can easily find Kratom shots, Kratom tinctures, and other enhanced Kratom products at so many places where Kratom is perfectly legal.

Can You Prepare Your Own Kratom Oil?

We did make you excited about Kratom oil, and we admit that Kratom oil is not manufactured commercially. Does that mean you cannot make Kratom oil on your own? No.

Here is the post about making Kratom extract, which will surely help you prepare your Kratom oil at home. So, get the Kratom strain, mix it up with the carrier oil and follow the guidelines on making kratom extract, and your Kratom oil is ready.

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Tests?


Years of experience in content writing, emphasizing the Kratom Industry has enabled Saad to progress and achieve enviable results.